Learning doesn’t end at B’nai Mitzvah. In TAA Teens, middle and high school students explore what it means to be a Jew in the 21st century using video, theater, creative writing, visual art, and through participating in community service. Sylvia Cohen Religious School graduates continue their education by participating in M.I.T. (Madrichim in Training) where they continue their own learning as well as help out with the younger students in our program.
In addition to learning how to be Jewish educators, our graduates delve deeper into Torah study, Jewish Values, Israel and the Middle East, and Tikkun Olam projects. Informal education is also particularly important in the teen years.
TAA Teens have recently blown shofarot in kayaks, provided assistance at local food pantries, and opened their homes for Teen Shabbatot.
Our kids are also connected to the larger Jewish community through the Robert I. Lappin Foundation and their Youth to Israel Adventure and through the North Shore Teen Initiative.
For more information please contact our SCFLP Director of Family Learning at 978.281.0739.
Tue, September 17 2024
14 Elul 5784