Sacred Experiences
Whether you are looking for a Sunday morning minyan, a Saturday morning of study and worship, or a weekend of learning during our scholar-in-residence program; whether you are looking for an ebullient holiday celebration or a quiet moment of study with the Rabbi, you will find a welcoming home for spiritual growth at TAA.
Sense of Community
Our monthly neighborhood Shabbat dinners draw dozens of old and new friends. Our Chesed volunteers provide a range of services to our community members from hospital visits to chicken soup. We give to one another and to the community, and we are present for each other at moments of great joy and moments of great heartache.
Family Learning
Under the guidance of our Director of Learning and Programming, our Sylvia Cohen Family Learning Project offers a comprehensive and dynamic curriculum for children. Our TAA Teen group gives young people a chance to have fun within a Jewish context and serve their community together. TAA offers divers adult learning opportunities, including Adult Hebrew classes and Jewish Literature discussions.
Voluntary Membership Commitment
At TAA we recognize that membership is a choice, not an obligation. We are a kehillah, a community, and TAA is our congregational home, an extended family. Like every family, we have expenses to meet. We must generate the funds necessary to provide programs and services and maintain our beautiful building. Under our Voluntary Membership Model, we offer a flexible policy that allows each member household to determine its annual membership contribution. It is important to know what it costs to operate TAA per member household. To do this we take TAA’s annual expenses, subtract out predictable sources of income, and divide the remaining amount by the number of member households. The result is our Sustaining Level, an amount that we share with congregants on an annual basis. The decision of how much to contribute is left to each member family. We don’t want finances to be a barrier to membership.
Membership Application Form
Fill out this brief form to inquire about membership.
Membership Information
For any questions about our community or events, please call the TAA Office at 978-281-0739 to get our President's or Rabbi's direct contact information. They would love to speak with you.
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Tue, February 18 2025
20 Shevat 5785
Phone (978) 281-0739
86 Middle St, Gloucester, MA 01930
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